The Bookworm: Han's Hangout

"Why is everybody always picking on me?"
The Bloodhound Gang

The Bookworm Bookstore
102 Stupid Dr.
Hansville, CA 123456

Our bookstore has a wonderful selection of books. Our books are better, because of Hans. Here are some reasons to shop at our store instead of others:

Our hours are 12am to 3am Monday through Tuesday so you can get up and run around at midnight.

Recent Titles

Upcoming Events

  • Coffee at midnightEvery Monday and Tuesday at midnight we serve Hans's coffee. It's so thick you can cut it with a knife!
  • Mallory's Poetry CornerTuesday nights at 2am Mallory reads a new poem.
  • Mallory's Latest Poem

    I Love Hans

    I love Hans.
    Hans is cute.
    Even when he wears his pink pants.
    Hans is a janitor.
    Hans thinks he's a princess and wants to be a supermodel.
    I don't care.

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    WebMasters: Hans and Mallory
    © 1997 Hans Enterprises